Steinbock Lifts & Turret Trucks

Professional Materials Handling


Construction & Parts

Long term durability

The EK-Series is designed for extended life expectancy. With the use of quality and thoroughly tested components, engineering principals and design concepts for specific purposes, we ensure that our customers can depend on their EK vehicle functionality and availability. The modular concept also provides for the extended availability of parts, should your vehicle require service.

Robust construction

We know that mishaps can occur. In order to protect your investment, robust vehicle construction has addressed countless details. Serious damage is avoided by:

  • Motor compartment protected by thick steel doors
  • Massive protected load wheels
  • Turret load handling device with large distance between support bearings
These vehicles have proven their reliability in the harshest and most critical applications.

Spare parts availability

There may come a time when even the most reliable vehicle needs some spare parts. Due to the modular approach in EK-Series electronic and hydraulic system only the damaged component must be replaced. Additionaly we assure that updates in components are made rearward compatible. We achieve a low spare parts stock at our service partners, easy mapping and a perfect availability at very low maintenance costs.

One piece transportation

Not only on their way to the customer but when they move from one warehouse to another – EK-Series trucks including high lift heights can be shiped without extensive disassembly. The result is a quick and clean commissioning while the risk of hydraulic leaks is reduced effectively.

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